
Sir Win Bischoff

Chair of the Board

JPMorgan Securities

Winfried (Win) Bischoff is chair of JPMorgan Securities Plc., and is a member of the international advisory board of Akbank TAS, Turkey.Sir Win was previously chair of Lloyds Banking Group plc (29-214). He has substantial experience leading complex international committees and boards. His background spans a range of sectors, including banking and capital markets, finance and government regulation, and public policy. He was CEO and then chair of Schroders plc (1984-2), chair of Citigroup Europe (2-29), and interim CEO and then chair of Citigroup (27-29). Since 1983 he has served on the boards of 1 major public companies (5 in the UK, 3 in the US, 2 in Europe).

Sir Win was awarded a knighthood in the New Year Honours List in 2 for services to the banking industry, and an honorary doctorate in science by City University, London in the same year. In 216 he was awarded a non-executive director Lifetime Achievement Award.