
Kevin Richards

Executive Vice President

Booz Allen Hamilton

Kevin Richards leads Booz Allen’s commercial strategic cyber readiness and response team. He has 3 years of experience in information security and enterprise risk management. Working with large multinational corporations, as well as the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal, state, and local agencies, Kevin provides an array of technical and pragmatic perspectives on building and protecting an organization’s critical information assets.

Kevin has served in global and regional executive roles for large consulting security practices, where he was responsible for business growth, consulting capability, service innovations, and strategic guidance for key clients. He has worked in similar leadership roles for specialized risk consulting, advisory, and technology firms throughout his career.

Kevin often serves as an expert resource for journalists and is a frequent speaker at national and international security and IT conferences covering various cybersecurity topics. He has published numerous articles on information security and is a frequent contributor to security periodicals. Publications include The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Vancouver Sun,, SC Magazine, and Risk & Insurance.

Kevin is active in promoting information security best practices and is recognized for his achievements in the field. He served as the international president for the Information System Security Association (ISSA) international board, is an ISSA Distinguished Fellow, a Ponemon Institute Fellow, and was inducted into the ISSA Hall of Fame for contributions to the information security community and the security profession.

Kevin holds a bachelor of arts degree from Michigan State University and is a certified Information Systems Security Professional.