Dara Aisner
College of American Pathologists.
Dr. Aisner is a board-certified certified Anatomic and Molecular Genetic Pathologist and is also board certified in Clinical Informatics. She is an Associate Professor of Pathology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, Colorado and a member of the University of Colorado Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Dr. Aisner is the director of the Colorado Molecular Correlates Laboratory within the Department of Pathology, which focuses on testing in precision medicine. She is a member of numerous oncology pathology and guidelines committees including the CAP/AMP/IASLC Guidelines for Biomarker Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and the NCCN non-small cell lung cancer panel, and the College of American Pathologists Genomic Medicine Resource Committee, among others. She has been a past member of the Association for Molecular Pathology Economic Affairs Committee.