
Carolyn Dittmeier

Chair of Statutory Auditors


Current public company boards: Carolyn Dittmeier has been president of the statutory audit committee of Assicurazioni Generali (headquartered in Trieste, Italy) since 214. She has been chair of the audit committee and independent director of Alpha Bank (headquartered in Athens) since 217.

In the non-financial sectors, she is currently chair of the audit committee and independent director of Illycaffè SpA (food and beverage), Ferrero SA (food and beverage), and member of the statutory audit committee of Moncler SpA (designer clothing).

Prior public company boards: Carolyn was chair of the audit committee and independent director of Italmobiliare SpA (international financial holding company) and of Autogrill SpA (multinational food and beverage group). Carolyn has also served within the public sector as chair of the audit committee of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization-United Nations).

Executive experience: She initiated her career in the US as financial auditor for Peat Marwick & Mitchell (now KPMG) from 1978 to 1986, transferring to Italy in 1984.

In 1987 she joined the Montedison Group and worked first as head of group financial reporting and later as chief audit executive, through 1999. She then joined KPMG as associate partner and successfully launched the corporate governance services practice providing advisory services for risk governance and internal control.

From 22 to early 214, Carolyn worked as director of internal audit of Poste Italiane S.p.A. In this period, she focused on change management with the implementation of a major departmental restructuring and the launching of a group enterprise risk management model.

Carolyn has played a strong role in promoting internal control and risk governance through volunteer and other professional activities.  She acted as vice chair for the Institute of Internal Auditors, chair of the European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing and chair of the Institute of Internal Auditors, Italy in the period from 24 to 214; she taught corporate governance at Luiss University (Rome, Italy) and the author of two books.

Additional information: Carolyn is certified public accountant (CPA), certified internal auditor (CIA), and certified risk management assurance (CRMA).

Carolyn graduated from the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. Born and raised in the United States, Carolyn later acquired Italian citizenship. She has one son, loves skiing and plays the violin.