
Bruce Richards


Credit Suisse Holdings USA

Bruce Richards is vice chair of the board of Credit Suisse Holdings USA and a member of the board risk and audit committees. Bruce is also a member of the advisory boards of Credit Benchmark and of OakNorth.

Bruce was previously senior vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (211-217) and head of supervision for Complex Financial Institutions, including the ten largest financial firms in New York. He also served as a member of the Federal Reserve’s system wide operating committee responsible for the supervision of all systemically important firms in the United States. Bruce represented the FRBNY on a number of international committees including the senior supervisors group.

He was general manager of the Americas for National Australia Bank from 22-21 responsible for all of the Bank’s businesses in the Americas. He joined the Bank in 2 as managing director and head of client relationships in the Americas. He also served as head of global financial institutions for two years. From 1988 to 2, Bruce worked with UBS as head of client relationship management for corporations, financial institutions and public sector entities in the US. He started his career with The Chase Manhattan Bank. He is a graduate of Williams College and of several executive programs at the Harvard Business School.

Bruce is an emeritus member of the Corsair Capital advisory board and a director of the Cameron Kravitt foundation. He has served on the boards of the Institute of International Bankers, Great Western Bank, the American Australian Association, the US-New Zealand Business Council, and the Shelter for the Homeless.