
Bo Gamble

Director of Strategic Practice Initiatives

Community Oncology Alliance

Robert “Bo” Gamble joined the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) in
May 211 as the Director of Strategic Practice Initiatives. Bo was active in
the development and support of the Oncology Medical Home (OMH)
program. His primary responsibilities include: supporting most of the
cancer care teams that are involved in the CMMI Oncology Care Model,
development and promotion of other reform models for cancer care,
support of the COA Administrator’s network, and other projects to
preserve and promote community cancer care.

Mr. Gamble brings a diverse range of cancer practice expertise at the
national and local levels. His extensive experience includes 13 years’
experience as administrator at a multi-physician, multi-location oncology
practice. Prior to that he has served in various healthcare capacities
including as an independent consultant for healthcare patient
accounting and IT implementation projects, national director of client
support for a healthcare software company, and business office
manager for a 3+ bed hospital. He got his beginning in healthcare as
a hospital orderly during his college years.