Ana de Pro Gonzalo
Audit Committee Chair
Current public company boards: STMicroelectronics, National Express Group, Novartis
Prior public company boards: Merlin Properties Socimi and INDRA Sistemas
Executive experience: Ana is currently on the Supervisory Board and Chairs the Audit Committee at ST Microelectronics. She is also on the board and is a member of the safety & environment, nominations, and audit committees at National Express Group. Ana is a board member and a member of the audit committee at Indra Sistemas.
In the past, she has been an Independent non-executive director of Merlin Properties SOCIMI, and a board member of most of the subsidiaries of Amadeus, Sacyr Vallehermoso, and Metrovacesa Groups.
Between 21 and 22, Ana was also the CFO at Amadeus IT Holding, a world leading technology provider and transaction processor for the global travel and tourism industry. In the past, she has also worked as a Corporate General Manager at SACYR VALLEHERMOSO, a leading Spanish construction group, a Deputy General Manager and Finance Director at METROVACESA, a Spanish real estate company, and a Senior Auditor at Arthur Andersen.
Additional information: Ana is an independent non-executive director of Spanish National Advisory Board to the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment. She is also an Independent member of the board of trustees of FundaciĆ³n Juan XXIII for Mentally Disabled people.
Ana is a member of the faculty of professors of IE for graduate programs, of AEDE Business School and ENAE Business School.
Ana is a graduate of the IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra and she has a BSc in Business Studies (majoring in Auditing) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid.