Insurance Governance Leadership Network
Navigating change and searching for opportunities
The IGLN provides the premier platform for non-executive directors, senior executives, regulators, and other key stakeholders to engage on key issues facing leading industry players and challenger organizations and support the mission to build strong, enduring, and trustworthy insurance institutions.
The insurance industry is facing unprecedented changes. Competitive pressures, disruptive technologies, and geopolitical instabilities have altered the insurance landscape around the world. As policymakers in many countries strengthen regulation, and other stakeholders increasingly look for insurers to play a role in tackling broader societal issues by addressing coverage gaps and combatting climate change, companies and their boards are facing higher expectations for the governance and leadership of their institutions.
The Insurance Governance Leadership Network (IGLN) provides the preeminent platform for senior leaders of large insurers and emerging challenger institutions. Participants engage with their peers, through private roundtable discussions and one-on-one conversations, tackling issues including strategy, governance, tech transformation, regulation, and risk management. Most participants in the network are non-executive directors, but discussions also include C-level executives, senior regulators, and subject matter experts from critical suppliers and industry partners. Participants also typically participate in Tapestry’s Financial Services Leadership Network and annual Financial Services Leadership Summit, which bring together leaders from insurance, banking, and asset management to address shared challenges across the broader financial services industry.
The IGLN is organized and led by Tapestry Networks and supported by EY. In addition to providing opportunities for direct and open dialogue, we publish research on the issues of greatest importance to the sector.
Participating organizations include:
Aegon, Allianz, AIG, Assicurazioni Generali, Aviva, Axa, Beazley, Chubb, Equitable Holdings, Genworth Financial, Intact Financial, Just Group, Liberty Mutual, Lloyds of London, MetLife, Nationwide, Phoenix Group, Principal Financial, Prudential plc, Royal London, State Farm, Sun Life Financial, Swiss Re, Travelers, USAA, Zurich Insurance Group