
Diagnostics Innovation Network 

Preparing for a new era in genomics

Genomic tests can enable the delivery of targeted treatments, inform individuals about personal health risks, and allow providers to intercept disease before it develops. In the past 10-15 years, the growth of new genomic tests in the market has been remarkable. That said, some stakeholders question whether genomics’ purported potential is simply hype, emphasizing that our understanding of genomics’ clinical application is nascent.

Tapestry’s Diagnostics Innovation Network (DxIN) aimed to address the growth of genomic testing and its impact on patients, consumers, and health systems. DxIN originated from Tapestry’s prior focus on genomics in the SPOT/dx working group and brought together health and life insurers, genomics experts, industry players, and clinicians to identify opportunities for improving the use of genomic information to meaningfully benefit patient and consumer outcomes in the United States and beyond. 

Project Publications

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